Current Weekly Speedy Fox and Friends Challenge


Friday, May 16, 2014

May Blog Hop Final Day

Welcome to the Marks Finest Papers, a Heinrich Company

May Blog Hop! 

This month's New Stamp Set Releases are

 Featured  May 13
Kiss Me & Plywood

Featured May 14
Oriental Joy

 Featured May 15
Tiger Lily & Tree Frogs

Featured May16
Bearded Iris

Please hop along with us! You have a chance to win one of the above stamp sets! Just comment on the following blogs (don't forget this one), each day for more chances to win! (You do NOT have to comment on all the blogs each day! The names are drawn randomly!) All six winners will be announced on 
May 17, 2014 on the Mark's Finest Papers blog. You can go back and comment if you missed a day. (HINT: The more you comment, the more chances you have to win and comments on the MFP blog count twice!) 
The deadline for 
commenting is 10 PM EST on Friday May 16, 2014

Here's the Design Team:

No comments are necessary on the following blogs but please check them out
if you are interested in one of their cards. They'll be happy to hear from you.

Come on back tomorrow to see if you are the the lucky winner of one of our new stamp sets.


StampNK said...

Love this beautiful stamp set and all the DT samples!

KC said...

these have all been such great stamps! such an awesome release! I have so many cards saved to my desktop I want to CASE...thanks all!!

Lois said...

Great hop, Ladies!!!

loulou said...

This set is fantastic. That iris is so gorgeous. The DT did such an amazing job showcasing this beauty.

terrie said...

The D/T did an awesome coloring using this MFP stamp set...
Today hop was fantastic...
well done everybody!

Unknown said...

What a very pretty new stamp set
Love these flowers stamp
Well every one did very pretty card
Lot of pretty color
And this hop was a very beautiful one to look at
Thank for the hop again

Sue D said...

Beautiful examples using this lovely Iris stamp.

Karenladd said...

Wonderful hop and projects by the DT! I love this gorgeous image.

Karen P said...

I am too late for today's draw but I don't mind. I have enjoyed visiting the blogs showing the new stamps and have been inspired! Thank you for the hard work that it took setting this up and for the wonderful inspirations this week Karen x